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Title | Energie
Current article: #1 | Release date: 2023-04-1

Important Note: În ceea ce privește extinderea cunoștințelor în jurul ocultismului și înțelegerea ezoterică a filozofiei antice și a misterelor ...

  1. Le système doit être pratiquement, sinon mathématiquement, indéchiffrable.6
  2. Il faut qu’il n’exige pas le secret, et qu’il puisse sans inconvénient tomber entre les mains de l’ennemi.7
  3. La clef doit pouvoir en être communiquée et retenue sans le secours de notes écrites, et être changée ou modifiée au gré des correspondants.8
  4. Il faut qu’il soit applicable à la correspondance télégraphique.9
  5. Il faut qu’il soit portatif, et que son maniement ou son fonctionnement n’exige pas le concours de plusieurs personnes.10
  6. Enfin, il est nécessaire, vu les circonstances qui en commandent l’application, que le système soit d’un usage facile, ne demandant ni tension d’esprit, ni la connaissance d’une longue série de règles à observer.11
  1. 1974, by Silvio Amadio, with Gloria Guida, Augusto (Marco) Guglielmi. []
  2. Her "rekindle intimacy with adolescent daughter returned from boarding school" scene looks so much like a -- bad, tritely bad -- lesbian scene it makes skin crawl. []
  3. Gloria Guida is nothing more and nothing besides a biotypical adolescent female that's willing to (somewhat, but still, more than the other stupid cunts then contemporary) show it. Her eye's dead, unlike say Lynn's. Her face is dead, as dead as any fish that ever slowly asphixiated in a hobbyst's "aquarium" / slow choker by accumulation of unwanted metabolytes. She's more of a houseplant than most houseplants ever were, except for the part where she looks just like what "we" were fucking back then -- meaning just me. Besides her functioning as a walking, occasionally talking vaginal mold she has no practical function, and I suspect no capacity for any function. []
  4. The idea that adolescents are present within their bodies, or within their lives, is at best approximative itself. []

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